Tuesday 26 April 2011

I'm back in more ways than one!

Hi everyone!

As many of you know, I have distanced myself from anything to do with the computer in the past! I even took myself off facebook (gasp)! So I'm sure most of you are probably super surprised to see that I'm not only back on facebook, I'm even attempting to join the world of bloggers!
I have to admit that I have never even followed anyone's blog...ever..! This is seriously a whole new world to me! So, that being said, please have patience with me! I'm gonna need all the help and feedback I can get!!

Why the change of heart?
I recently moved from Lethbridge back to the Calgary area (Okotoks actually). I want to be able to learn the ways to follow my friends' blogs and keep in touch through facebook, as well as allow them to keep tabs on me and my family!

Another reason I'm back online is that I've finally done what I've always said I would do: I'm officially a Nurse in Private Practice! I'm so happy to say that I've done my homework and have had the courage to put it to action! Just call me "The Nutrition Nurse"! I provide health counseling and education specializing in nutrition for all ages, offer free consultations and I've even started my own online Nutrition Newsletter (Please check it out here). I'd love some feedback :)

So, there you have it! I'm back in more ways than one: back online, back to Calgary (well...close enough!), and back to being super determined to be outside-the-box when it comes to keeping up my Nursing license and staying at home as much as possible! I love that I can create my own schedule and work mostly while Taeya is napping. She is at such a fun age and I don't want to miss a thing!